So many people commented on my new (old) Blue-Floor Lundby house and wondered what family would live there. I wondered that too. So last night I dug around in the dollhouse room and found all the homeless people who were a good scale for the house.
Actually I have to admit that I took some of the people out of other houses - just to see how they would look in the Lundby.
Here they are. Tell me who should move in by choosing from number 1 - 10. I will count votes and let you know the lucky winners in a future blog.
1) First is Mrs. Flagg and her daughter, Patsy. I just got these girls on eBay (for only $9.99 + 4.99 shipping - a real deal, I thought). I love them. They have such character.
They are Flagg Flexible Play Dolls from the 1950s or 1960s. They were filthy and reeked of cigarette smoke when they arrived. I took off their clothes and soaked them in woolite. The result isn't bad, even if the clothes aren't perfect. They look so much better now, and the smell is dissipating. I hope to find Mr. Flagg and other members of the family, but for now mother and daughter would live here alone (except for pets).
2) Next is the Caco family. I love Caco dolls and have several of the 1" scale people, but this is my first 3/4" set. This is also an eBay find. It is hard to get these on eBay because so few vendors put in the size. I hope to find more of these too.

3) Then there is the Bendy family. They are not in the best of condition, and I had to put a new shirt on the father (from a scrap-booking baseball set). I think I got these ones at the antique market. I know these aren't from eBay. I am not crazy about the detail of this family. I'm not sure they are right for this house.
4) Next is the Mrs. Bendy's less attractive sister and her family, the Bend-Ables. They have pretty much the same story as the Bendy's, but are slightly different (except for the daughter who is even wearing the same dress as her cousin - again an antique market find, but a different visit.
5) I am including the soft plastic German family just to be fair. I am not very enthusiastic about these people (I have several more that I couldn't find last night), but I feel they should be included in the vote because they are the right age and size, and I had many of these when I was a kid, but these ones are from thrift shops.
6) Here is the hard plastic German family. It looks like they have their own footman. The dolls in the overalls could be children in a 1" scale house, but I was looking for a variety of contestants and they are cute, so here they are. I can't remember where I got these - possibly with a dollhouse or Barbie lot - the footman was from a thrift shop I think.
7) Charlie's Angels could move in. They look good, but I am not sure they are exactly right for this house. They are a decade or so newer. I am more inclined to move them into 862 Ocean View drive, where they have been partying recently. They look more at home there, but you be the judge.
8) The Sport Sisters look right at home in the kitchen. I love these girls too. I got them in a vintage Barbie lot (yes, I collect those too) a few months ago and was delighted with them. I just can't decide where they should live. I think they are from the late 1960s/early 1970s, but I haven't been able to identify them yet.
9) Of course there are always these out-of-focus Ukrainian dancers. They look so happy and are so beautifully costumed that I just had to have them - they are a thrift store find. I have tried them in several houses, but nothing seems to work.
10) Last, and possibly least, is this happy pirate. He is a charmer, and I know he is not old, but I think he is so cute - and another way to go. He could bring all his booty back to the Lundby house and maybe in a year or so appear on an episode of Hoarders - the Mini Version.
So there you are. Which family is worthy of this house? I can't wait to see what you think.
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