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Colonial Terrain for 15mm Fun!

The last few months have been really trying. Having a new baby in the house means that i get very little time for hobby stuff. However, inspired by my new interest in 15mm Sci-fi, and the arrival of my Shalur Mercs from Rebel Miniatures, my Arc Recon Platoon from Critical Mass Games, and a bunch of 15mm goodies from Antenocitis Workshop I set to work to build some scenery.

I should point out that I work very closely with some people who maintain photocopiers as part of their job and from time to time I get handed odd bits that come out of broken Xerox photocopiers. Thats was what gave me idea of building some kind of moisture farm concept.

Colonial Farmstead 01
The first of two Colonial Homestead buildings. Made from cork mat, mounted on an old CD, with some plastic mesh, Antenocitis Workshop Doors (and Windows on the back), and a piece of old Platformer Terrain. The tires are from old Lego kits.

Colonial Farmstead 02
A second and more impressive building, this time I've added a Platformer Terrain piece as a roof mounted solar panel, and a 15mm crate from Antenocities Workshop. I should go back and add something to the roof of the first building.

Colonial Moisture Farm 01
The first of two moisture farms, these are old Xerox photocopier parts that were otherwise destined for the bin.

Colonial Moisture Farm 02
A second Moisture farm, again from old Xerox pieces. I think I might add some rubble or other bits to the base before painting. Although I want to leave the terrain piece open for models to move through I do want them to look more scenic.

Weird Alien Obelisk
This was a spur of the moment thing. It is actually a cardboard pencil case that had a number of small colouring pencils in it (which I gave to my daughter). I got the box at a promotional event at Horizon Scotland years ago and it sad on a shelf for a long time simply because I liked the shape of it. Unfortunately I only have the one and I'm unlikely to get any more any time soon.

The Farmstead Group Shot
Not a bad start, but a long way to go yet.

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