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9 Reasons Why your Body Weight is Fluctuating

Wondering why your weight is not stable and fluctuates every single day! We understand it’s a bit frustrating when you trying to adhere to the weight loss diet with sincerity and squeezing in time from the busy schedule to workout, and then the weighing scale shows numbers that disappoint and demotivate you. That’s why, we have decided to list out some reasons why your body weight is fluctuating and what you do about it.

Reasons Why your Body Weight is Fluctuating

1. You Ate Sodium-Rich and High Salt Food: So, last night was when you had your cheat meal and it was mostly about pizza and French fries, and so naturally, when you weigh yourself in the morning, the numbers would creep up because excess sodium in the body causes temporary water retention. The easiest way to bring down sodium-related water retention is to cut down on salt and processed food intake in your next meal.
2. You are Sleep Deprived: Phew! We have been advocating about the importance of 8 hours of sleep every night to melt extra layers of fat. Sleeping for less than 7 hours can wreak havoc on your hormones, increasing oxidative stress, raising inflammation, along with increasing hunger and appetite. All these factors add up and cause fluctuations in weight.
3. You Are Working out and Exercising Hard: Wondering why you are gaining weight instead of losing even with regular exercise? Maybe you are gaining muscle and that’s good news! Apart from that, intense workout causes tiny ruptures in muscle and fiber tissues, and the body retains excess water to repair and rebuild these tiny ruptures – it’s called delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and if you feel sore the day after an intense workout and weight gain, don’t fret, you are going to gain muscle and look in good shape after a few days.
4. Glycogen Storage is Increased: The body stores energy temporarily in muscle and liver tissues in the form of glycogen, and when it needs instant energy, it tends to draw glycogen out of muscles and liver for a quick boost. Now, each gram of glycogen needs 4 gm of water in the storage form, and when food is carb heavy, glycogen storage is increased and so does water weight. Eat a balanced diet with the right proportions of carbs, protein, healthy fats, minerals, such as on the Rati Beauty diet to lose weight.
5. Water Retention: Water is essential to run every physiological function in the body, but sometimes it tends to retain excess water and that’s why the numbers are going up on the weighing scale. The body retains water when you have had too much salt, or even if your periods are around the corner. Read about “12 Home Remedies to Reduce Water Retention” in this post. Also, make it a point to drink at least 2 liters of water every single day to flush out toxins and to reduce the chances of water retention.
7. There are Too Many Refined Carbs in your Diet: Refined carbs come loaded with empty calories, all of which are converted into glucose, which is then stored in glycogen form in your muscles and liver. As we have mentioned above, too much glycogen also means increase in water weight.
8. Too Much Stress: The stress hormone, cortisol, is a villain when it comes to weight loss because it causes unhealthy cravings, disrupts sleep, encourages storage of fat in the body. Also, it tends to increase water retention and that’s why to successfully lose weight, you need to find ways to destress. Read about “10 Tips to Lower Stress in order to Lose Weight.”
9. That Time of the Month: When it’s that time of the month and your periods are around the corner, the body tends to retain water and the numbers on weighing scale goes up. And as soon as the periods are over, you would see that the numbers have fallen.

We hope these tips would help alleviate your worries about fluctuations in your daily weight, and keep you on track of weight loss.

12 Home Remedies to Reduce Water Retention
10 Tips to Lower Stress in order to Lose Weight

The post 9 Reasons Why your Body Weight is Fluctuating appeared first on Makeupandbeauty.com.

from Makeupandbeauty.com

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