Of course, we all understand that photos in Instagram does not always show the real person's life. But still sometimes it is difficult to refrain from envy, seeing the ribbon, perfect selfie, fashion pictures and photos from paradises of the world - all this creates the illusion of a perfect life, possessed by girls with perfect appearance. Australian model decided that this confusion must end.
18-year-old Essena O'neill, whose Instagram meets the above and has 580 thousand followers, decided to tell the whole truth about what's behind her photos on the social network. This girl inspired that she felt unhappy and lost in his own lies. Essen didn't want young girls took her example.
The popularity of social media allowed the girl most financial to provide promotional posts on Instagram brought a lot of money. But when Essen decided to tell the truth, she deleted from his account most of the pictures. And those that have left, accompanied by stories about what is really behind these beautiful pictures:
When I was taking that picture, I had pimples. I very much makeup. I'm smiling because I think it look better. Happiness on the basis of aesthetics will kill your potential.
This photo is the one that made me feel good that day. The body in good shape is not all that we can.
Had to do about 100 similar photos so that my stomach looked good. I think I ate nothing that day. I yelled at my sister that she filmed me as long as I wouldn't be proud of the photo. Yes, that bad.

I paid 400 dollars for something that I was photographed in this dress. I know that some brands pay up to 2 thousand dollars for publication. There is nothing wrong. I just think people should know about this.
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