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Meet Henry

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This is my last blog post before Christmas and it might be one of the most exciting posts I have ever shared.

Friends, meet Henry McCallister Carver!!!! He is a 2-year-old Australian Cattle dog. He is very tiny for his breed. He only weighs 23 pounds (it's hard to even tell how tiny he is in photos). Henry is named because I just loved the name (and he looks like a Henry) and McCallister is his middle name because that is Mac's full name. I know middle names aren't really a thing with pets, but I wanted to pay tribute to Mac and also so he could have a monogram! 

He is the absolute sweetest dog I have ever met and I can't believe I get to call him mine. I got so lucky with his loving and calm demeanor. I'm already biased, but he is so ridiculously well behaved, I keep wondering how I got this lucky. He fills me with so much joy!!

I started looking for dogs back in September. I wanted to rescue an Australian Cattle dog that was older than a puppy and preferably a male. Surprisingly, it was difficult to find dogs that checked off all of my boxes. I am such a sucker for all dogs so I wanted to make sure I really stuck to my guns and didn't rush anything. 

Sweet Mac
My parents have Mac, the best dog in the entire world that I love so much. Mac is now 15 years old and when I moved from my parent's home to downtown, leaving Mac broke my heart. Mac is an Australian Cattle dog, so having grown up with him for most of my life, I'm very familiar with the breed. I know no dog can ever replace Mac, but I just love the breed and wanted one for myself. 

I have always wanted my own dog, but I wanted to make sure I had the time and patience to really take care of a dog. It's a huge responsibility and certainly not one I take lightly. I wanted to be sure I was as prepared as I was ever going to be, and this fall I felt it was time. 

I found Henry totally on a whim...I had been searching for months, and one night I did a Google search. Henry popped up on a pet site and I freaked out. He was exactly what I wanted.... and SO cute. 

Even better? I rescued Henry from Tracy's Dogs which is a non-profit rescue based out of San Antonio, Texas. Adopting pets is something I am very passionate about. We rescued Mac when I was a freshman in high school from a shelter here in Pittsburgh and the impact he has had on my life is profound and I am sure he feels the same. 

If I could adopt all the dogs, I would. Tracy's Dogs has placed nearly 4,000 dogs with forever homes. A lot of the dogs that Tracy's Dogs save are on euthanization lists, so they truly do save the dog's life. Watching some of the YouTube videos absolutely breaks my heart. If you are looking for a dog, it's worth checking out their adoptable dogs on their website. The process was rigorous in terms of applying... I really appreciated the strict and well-organized process. I could tell they were really vetting everyone that wanted to adopt the dog to make sure that the dog would be going to the best home possible. They have many volunteers and the two who I worked with to adopt Henry were so wonderful. I cannot say enough good words about the organization. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions because I'd love to sing their praises! 

Keeping this off of social media for the past two weeks has about killed me! I just want to show him off and share his cuteness with everyone,  haha! But, I also wanted to enjoy my time with him and get to know him before I shared him with the rest of the world. 

To say this is the best Christmas ever is an understatement. I can't wait to share Henry in blog posts to come. I'll try not to be annoying with posting him, but I can't promise anything ;). 

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