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Geometric Gradient Line Nails

Hi there!! This nail art look is inspired by the one and only Chalkboard Nails where she did this design during the 31 Day Challenge and I thought it was sweet. But also on that note, I'm so glad I didn't do the challenge this year. There's just no way, I can barely do my nails once a week let alone everyday. Madness that challenge is, madness. Girl has homework.

This is a bad time of the year for my cuticles :/
I thought all the lines looked really funky, the gradient making is especially so. I mixed up the colours for fun and otherwise I think this looks really cool. I would just stare at the design in school cause of gradient really, gradients are great. 

I got to work with my toothpicks and initially I tried to make the lines thinner but when that didn't work it was chubby lines all the way. I first did the 3 main colours then went to the intersects and did the blending colours, worked quite well if I do say so myself. 

Pink: Models Own - Radiant Pink
Glitter (I had to add some glitter): M&S - Light Mix
Beige: Nails Inc - Sao Paulo Streets
Brown: Nails Inc - Porchester Square
Purple: Illamasqua - Jo'Mina
Light Purple: Barry M - Prickly Pear and Essie - Lilacism
Blue: Essie - Bikini So Teeny
Light Blue: The Face Shop - GR501

Thank you for reading and I hope you have a really funky day!! :)

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