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Christmas windows : Selfridges 2015

 I got my wish! To see the Selfridges Christmas windows as I won't be in London this year for Christmas.

Sadly, the small images don't do justice to the finished effect but so pretty.The displays span over 12 windows of Selfridges and are themed around the 12 signs of the zodiac this year. This is THE window display team. Selfridges windows are world famous. I'm very proud to have worked in their BT branch in Galway. I won't ever stop talking about that as it drove me to tears but also made me incredibly proud!

Apparently, the staff start work on the windows in September 2014 with planning and sketches.
 Nothing is left to chance as staff were sent to an astrology course in Greenwich observatory prior to the designs then an astrologer came to speak to them. The estimate of the hours involved is 30,000. How! Madness! I'd love to know how many people are on their team. That is a lot!
 Each mannequin is wearing a zodiac themed head dress from a different designer including the Taurus window by Nina Ricci.
 The officially tally of items :

- 10,000 leaves, laser cut, used to make hand crafted foliage for the Oxford Street windows
- A total length of 450 meters of neon lighting has been used throughout the windows
- Almost 2 tonnes of glitter sand has been used in the windows for the flooring, and the white sand is in fact salt to ensure it as white possible
- It has taken a total of 178 hours to install the windows, with a team of almost 100 people working on them continuously for 24 hours a day over 8 days, in a rotation of shifts
- The movement of the Orrery in Selfridges Orchard Street corner window is not real time, but is representative of the speed in which the planets orbit in relation to each other
- The headpiece used in the window representing Scorpio was made by Maiko Takeda, who is known for making the incredible headpieces worn by Bjork whilst performing in her Biophilia tour.
- The mermaid tails in the window representing Pisces made up of 3,000 scales in total (1,000 each), with approx. 15,000 crystals. It took 5 people 2 weeks to attach and embellish all of the scales!
- 6,000 metres of LED lights decorate the dense spruce foliage surrounding the windows on Oxford Street
- The spruce foliage used inside the London store around arches and handrails are decorated with over 8,000 metres of LED lights
In-store decoration)
- 90,000 Christmas baubles (hung across stores' balconies and ceilings
- 10,000 stars
- 850 bags of glitter
- 2 tons of salt
- 3000 meters of iridescent film
- 1,000 light bulbs
- 1,000 sheets of gold leaf
- 1,000 battery operated flashing lights
- 500 cans of spray paint
- 400 litres of purple paint
- 200 disco balls
- 150 glittered rocks
*Above figures are across London, Manchester and Birmingham stores

 Selfridges window history :

- Harry Gordon Selfridge was the first retailer to use window displays to tell visual stories using products as opposed to products being used as the main event in a 'pile-them-high' style as it was customary before revolutionised retail when he opened his eponymous store.
- His first display – when the store opened for the first time on 15 March 1909 – was based on renaissance paintings by Watteau and Fragonard
- Christmas has always been a huge endeavour for Selfridges, from the year one – Harry Gordon Selfridges was American (Chicago-born and raised) and he introduced the powerful and evocative traditions of the US-style celebration of Christmas in retail terms to the UK. 

The windows opened the last week of October so if you are in London, please go see them! Also, send photos!

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