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Tips and tricks for the perfect school makeup look...

oh hey!

So this week has been massively uneventful so far; i was off school on Monday as i was poorly, then I've just been at school yesterday and today (ugh, my life is so boring, forever wishing i was some new york socialite or, even better, a made in Chelsea girl!!)
          I don't put makeup on most Sundays as i never leave my house and then as i was off  on Monday, yesterday i had to remind myself of how to put my school face on! I had to try and remember all my rules and tips. So i thought why not share them with you!

Lucy's tips and tricks for the perfect school makeup look!
Unless you go to the best school ever chances are you have rules on makeup. In our school officially we have a no makeup rule (hahahahahahahahaha no.) Naturally no one sticks to this rule, so now teachers patrol corridors with packs of makeup wipe pulling aside anyone they suspect.
       After almost 4 years in my school I've worked out all the give away signs and how to get around the rule! I have never once had a makeup wipe but yet wear makeup every. single. day. Here how i do it!

Avoid a face-only tan-A message to all the girls that don't understand, MAKEUP IS SUPPOSED TO MATCH YOUR SKIN TONE NOT TAN YOUR FACE, THAT IS WHAT BRONZER IS FOR! If you have a tanned face and a pale neck that is a huge giveaway! So when you buy your foundation/concealer/BB cream/pressed powder etc make sure it totally matches your skin tone, otherwise you will get caught and have to spend the rest of the day bare faced and no girl wants that! If you want to have a tanned glow, use bronzer along your cheekbones to define them and give yourself a holiday-fresh glow!

Adjust your makeup for the time of year-Teachers tend to be more easy going in the middle of a term so you can allow yourself a little more makeup freedom. But after a school holiday teachers are much stricter so gently ease yourself into your school makeup routine after a holiday.

Never leave a trace-This means no makeup lines on your jaw line and definitely no foundation on your shirt collars. These are the biggest giveaways, so make sure to flawlessly blend your makeup so there aren't any lines and your face is evenly covered. If you are a regular foundation collar criminal use some pressed powder around your jaw line so it isn't as cakey and greasy, then it won't smudge onto your collar.

Avoid using too much powder-As much as it is super good at make your face totally matte, covering over redness and so many other things. It can be a give away! You don't want your face to look powdery, the main place this can happen is under your eyes. If you use it to try and cover up tiredness, use a concealer or an under-eye concealer with a light layer of powder over the top, this wont leave your eyes as powdery.

Clean up-No one can apply makeup so perfectly they don't get a little mascara on their eyelid but teachers will notice it! So make sure you use the corner of a makeup wipe to get rid of any little marks or mistakes before you leave your house.

Careful with lipstick choices-I'm a self-confessed lipstick addict and wear it every day. But you have to be super careful when choosing lipstick colour. bubblegum pinks, red, plums leave all bright colours in your makeup bag and get a nude pink or rose colour lipstick for school. Also try and avoid super-glossy lips, dab your lips after applying the lipstick just to matte it down a little or if possible use a lip stain or tint.

Go with the seasons-As the weather changes to will your face, cheek get rosier in summer, skin gets darker etc so you need to change your makeup to match your face. pretty simple really!

Make sure you still look human-As humans we have imperfections, freckles, rosy cheeks so don't totally cover everything! After putting all your makeup on put a little bit of blusher on your cheeks just to gives yourself some colour to make it look more natural. And learn that no matter how hard you try, you can't cover freckles.

Don't go mad with your eye makeup-mascara and eyeliner are the two all time biggest give aways! It you totally cake your eyelashes in mascara and wear really dark heavy eyeliner you will get a makeup wipe! Also be careful with your bottom lashes, they are naturally really dark so don't go over the top with mascara on the bottom, or purchase a brown mascara for a more natural look. But honestly, more mascara doesn't mean bigger eyes, so don't weigh down your eyelashes! Teachers always notice heavy eye makeup so be careful!

Learn your school-Spend sometime working out how much you can get away with and what things teachers in your school always notice, then change your makeup to suit it!

Help each other out-See some mascara on your friends eyelid? TELL HER! If you help others they are more likely to point out a line or a smudge so you don't get caught!

Try and stick to a routine-Massive changes in your makeup look will spark it. So try and minimise huge, drastic changes to your routine!

Leave me a comment telling me any things teachers in your school always notice!
Sorry for lack of pictures in this post, everything is being weird!

That's all for now folks, remember to subscribe!
Have a great week!
Much love

PS. I've decided to not do outfits of the day during the week as I'm lazy! But i have one today!
Outfit of the day
the old favourite H&M dress
tights-primark super cosy (THESE ARE THE BEST THINGS EVER.)-£3.50
necklace-miss selfridge-£5

Song of The Day
Rivers and Roads-The head and heart

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