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2019 New Year's Resolutions

Ahh, it's that time of year again where we write down our goals for the year in hopes that we even remember about them by the end of February...

Haha, in reality, I know New Year's Resolutions tend to get a bad rep but I personally love them. I mean, who doesn't love a new start? Whether it be the start of a new week, year, or heck, even a day ya girl loves a good fresh start.


Can you believe that we're already over a week into the new year? 2019 has already been off to a great start to for me and I cannot wait to see what the year holds. Today, as expected I'm sharing my goals, hopes, and aspirations for 2019. If you read my end of year recap for 2018, then you may know that 2018 was pretty good, but I'm determined to top it in 2019.

1. Just do the damn thing
Pardon my French. Here's the thing about me, I would talk about an idea for months, years even, but never get around to doing it whether it be the fear of failure, pure laziness, fear of being judged, fear in general or whatever lame reason. Looking back there are so many projects, opportunities, or just things, in general, I wish I would have either done sooner or started in the first place and am still kicking myself in the butt for not doing so. I really wanna try to make it an effort stop overthinking every little thing and just "do the damn thing" and just roll with how things turn out whether it be starting a new project, fashion trend or new skill. I mean, you never know what opportunities may arise, right?

2. Be more authentic
As cliche as it may sound, I think I really started to "find myself" last year. I've grown in so many different ways in the past year and want to continue doing so this year. By no means am I saying I used to put a fake front online, but I want to start showing you all more of my personality and what I'm really like. As much as I love fashion and styling, I feel like I have so much more to offer and share with you all and am excited to do more of that this year.

3. Maintain your relationships
If you read my recap post then you know that 2018 was all about building strong relationships with the people in my life. I had a big realization last year that I may not have been the best attending to the people who mean so much to me and really tried to make an effort to strengthen those relationships. 2018 brought me so many great people into my life and allowed me to get closer to my friends and family and I want to keep that going into this year!

4. Be consistent
Whether it be on this blog, working out, eating healthy, my skincare routine, whatever it may be I want to find my grove with something and stay consistent with it. I know I've fallen off the wagon with my little corner of the internet in the past year, but I'm looking forward to trying to get back into the swing of things!

5. Keep learning
It's crazy to think that this year would mark two years since I graduated from college... that's terrifying. Even though my days of staying up late to cram for an exam and writing endless amounts of flashcards are over (at least I hope so!), I want to make sure I'm still finding new ways to keep learning and educate myself. I already have a list of things I want to accomplish this year such as learn how to cook one of my mom's recipes and FINALLY teach myself how to use Lightroom. Just because you're out of school doesn't mean you have to stop learning, right?

And that's it! I, of course, a few smaller goals I'd love to accomplish this year, but those are the main ones that come to mind. Like I said, as cliche as it is, I love new years resolutions and fresh starts. I feel so good about 2019 and am excited to see what memories and adventures it holds. I hope you all had a wonderful start to the new year and let me know in the comments down below what your goals are! As always, thank you for reading and have a great day!


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